Edge-Based Intelligence for Privacy-Preserving Enterprise Search on the Cloud

Cloud-based enterprise search services (e.g., AWS Kendra) have been entrancing big data owners by offering convenient and real-time search solutions to them. However, the problem is that individuals and organizations possessing confidential big data are hesitant to embrace such services due to valid data privacy concerns. In addition, to offer an intelligent search, these services access the user’s search history that further jeopardizes his/her privacy. To overcome the privacy problem, the main idea of this research is to separate the intelligence aspect of the search from its pattern matching aspect.

According to this idea, the search intelligence is provided by an on-premises edge tier and the shared cloud tier only serves as an exhaustive pattern matching search utility. We propose Smartness at Edge (SAED mechanism) that offers intelligence in the form of semantic and personalized search at the edge tier while maintaining privacy of the search on the cloud tier. At the edge tier, SAED uses a knowledge-based lexical database to expand the query and cover its semantics. SAED personalizes the search via an RNN model that can learn the user’s interest. A word embedding model is used to retrieve documents based on their semantic relevance to the search query.

Bird-eye view of SAED mechanism in a three-tier architecture to facilitate smart and privacy-preserving enterprise search service. SAED provides the secure search intelligence on the on-premises edge resources. The high-end storage and compute resources on the cloud tier are utilized by the existing enterprise search systems to exhaustively carry out pattern matching on the entire dataset.

This project is open-source and different variations of it are accessible in the following Git pages:




The PDF of the paper shares explains more details of the project and the developed tool.