In April 2023, HPCC Lab was funded by NSF IRES Track 1 program to conduct a collaborative research with IMDEA Networks Institute, a world-class research institution in Madrid, Spain.
The project, titled: “Wireless Federated Fog Computing for Remote Industry 4.0 Applications” will be conducted during May ’23 till Apr. ’26. The lead primary investigator (PI) for this project is Dr. Amini at UL Lafayette who will collaborate with Dr. Mathieu Kourouma at Southern University Baton Rouge (SUBR) to accomplish the project goals. The total award amount at UL Lafayette is: $158,279.
The project’s research plan engages students in an interdisciplinary cutting-edge research at the intersections of wireless networking, fog computing, and machine learning (ML). The project is built upon a preliminary collaboration between the PIs (Amini and Kourouma) and Dr. Antonio Fernandez’s team at IMDEA. To learn more about the Intellectual Merits and Broader Impacts of this project, please refer to this link.