Tutorial at CCGrid 2019

Interactive Video Streaming Via Special Purpose Serverless Cloud

A tutorial at CCGrid 2019: 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing
May 2019, Larnaca, Cyprus

Presenters: Dr. Mohsen Amini, Vaughan Veillon, Chavit Denninnart
High Performance Cloud Computing (HPCC) Lab

School of Computing and Informatics (CMIX)
University of Louisiana Lafayette


This tutorial explains the first rigorous interactive video streaming engine, CVSE , that processes video streaming tasks on a dynamic self-configurable heterogeneous cluster of cloud resources. We will present the CVSE architecture and the way its components function individually and interact with each other. Specifically, this tutorial explains state-of-the-art in the following areas:

  • How current video streaming systems work

  • Serverless heterogeneous cloud computing

  • Heterogeneous resource provisioning and scheduling of video streams

  • Fog Computing and methods for caching video streams

  • Presenting a working demonstration of interactive video streaming via CVSE platform